Good morning readers! Today from Frame Architects, an architectural design and construction company in Brussels, we are going to provide you with a interesting and catchy legend from the Brussels’ City Hall in La Grand Place. We really hope you find it enjoyable!

Brussel's City Hall

If you have visited Brussels we are completely sure that you know about La Grand Place. It is one of the most beautiful and shocking arquitect-wise speaking of the whole city.

One of the many historical buildings that compose the square is the Brussels’ City Hall. It stands up from the rest with its tall middle tower. Well, there is somethig with that tower that will make you feel something inside you, but we are not really sure what kind of feeling it is going to be.

The City Hall Competition

The constructions of the building started in the year 1402 with Jacob van Thienen as the main architect of the proyect. He started and finished the first left wing of the struture. In the initial plans it was going to be enough for the city.

Nevertheless, there was a big rivalry between different cities within the country. In this case, Brussels did not want to look smaller than Lovaina or Bruges so the competition started.

In the year 1440 the expansion began under the control of an unknown architect. He was in charge of the right and middle part of the building.

Architecture brussels city hall

The City Hall Legeng

If you put a little bit of attention into details you will clearly recognise some arquitectural problems. There are a lot of elements which make the whole structure look asimetrical.

Moreover, to strenghten the situation, the main tower was not in the exact middle, being considered as a giant ofense to the city of Brussels.

Such was the tension created in the population that the architect climbed to the top of the tower and jumped in an act of stress. Or at least that is what the legend is all about.

Unfortunately, we will never know if it was really true as there are not proof of that fact. Therefore, we leave to your own interpretation the truth behind the story.

Old brussels city hall

From Frame Architects, an architectural design and construction company in Brussels, we are always carefull with our proyects as we always want to satisfy our customers wishes. We do not want to jump from the top of our buildings! If you have any questions do not doubt to reach us at any time. See you next time!